March 26, 2009

Wants, Needs, Etc

Why is it often so difficult to take care of one's own needs? I find it very easy to care for those around me, those who need me for various reasons. And yet taking care of myself and my own wants and needs leaves me feeling guilty and stressed. I've yet to discover why this is so.

I need to do things for myself. I'm aware of this. And yet it is never easy to take time away from all those other responsibilities and other people who are so certain that they "need" me to be available for them every moment of every day.

This year I am focusing more on myself. I have vowed to myself that I will take care of the things that I need to improve my own state of being. Though the world around me may cry out with displeasure, I am determined to make myself a priority this year. Somehow I will overcome the nagging frustration of feeling drawn to be two different people.


Census said...

I understand exactly what you mean on this one. Taking time for ourselves normally means not doing something else and we get guilty.
It's not logical that we feel guilty about it...but we do!!
I find that saying "Ineed to do this" or "I'm busy for a moment" are some of the hardest things to do...especially with children. But we have to do it and take comfort in the fact that by looking after ourselves we are also doing it for other people, the ones who nned us. If we are happy and healthy...then they are normally happy too.But it's HARD!! Lol!